Chapter X 

The Strategy for Victory Over Global Conflict

We entered the new millennium with apocalyptic predictions followed by giddy relief when we strode into it unscathed and relieved. All that has changed. A foreign legion without uni­forms, homeland or flag invaded our country. An aerial attack, destroyed the capitol of world commerce. When the twin towers crumbled, our nation trembled. This act of aggression invaded every home. The stench of death, the chill of fear is everywhere.

In the aftermath of the terrorist attack, the question haunting us is, “How can we win this new kind of war against this fanat­ical, suicidal foe?” We can’t. If there is any lesson for this mil­lennium from those that preceded it is: wars are never won. Only peace can be won. In the most civilized proclamation ever made, Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the sons of God.”

Recent history teaches that to “win” a war is still to lose. Against Korea in the 50’s and Viet Nam in the 60’s, in Iraq in the 90’s and in our present ongoing conflict,  we declared ourselves “winners.” Retreating from Viet Nam, we contend we were “not losers.” In every case, nobody won. Measured in terms of mis­ery and death everybody lost. Each war “won” increased global danger and hostility. When the enemy is half a world away, it is easy to pick up our arms and walk away proclaiming myopical­ly, “We won.” But the world cynically smiles knowing it is not true. Even the “triumphant” warriors, with wounded bodies and souls, know that our pyrrhic victory was no victory at all.

Learning From Successful Peacemakers

Take heart.  Now is our opportunity to enter this “war on terrorism” with the will to win the peace. The eminent mil­itary historian Sir John Keegan points out that this war is different than any before it. Always in the past, he observes, war has been related to nations, government policies and armies. That is not the case in this war. “Terrorism,” says Keegan, “in the name of Islam, is fundamentally an idea. Only a cleverer and more flexible idea will defeat it.” What is that cleverer idea? Where do we find it?

First we must learn how to wage peace not war. That demands wisdom and statesmanship. We must be commit­ted to compassion and humanity, not rhetoric and political­ly motivated warfare. We must learn from past successful peace wagers, the triumphant peacemakers. None is more appropriate to our present conflict nor more worthy of emu­lation than St. Francis of Assisi. 

St. Francis of Assisi

From the 11th through the 14th centuries, our European forebears fought against Islam. The Crusades were an ongo­ing three hundred year slaughter in the name of God. The purpose of this Christian jihad was to win back the holy sites in Palestine from the “infidel Moslems.” It is one of the darkest periods of the Church’s history. In that conflict, Francis holds humanity’s medal of honor as a peacemaker. While popes, kings and princes declared war against Islam, Francis declared peace.

With his first faithful follower, a physician he renamed Juniper, he crossed the Mediterranean to North Africa. There they stood before rank upon rank of Crusaders. “You bear the cross on your armor,” he proclaimed. “Place it rather in your heart and remove your armor.  Lay down your weapons and live in peace!” They laughed at “God’s trou­badour,” as he called himself. They called him “pazza,” crazy. A short time later, while walking in the desert, the two were taken prisoner by Muslim soldiers. The peace­makers were taken to the commanding general and sultan, a descendent of Mohammed. After questioning the two monks, he said, “You are mad. But your madness is divine.” Whereupon he released them, but not until the sultan had given them a personally authorized paper granting them free access to all the holy places in Palestine the crusaders had been fighting and dying to regain. The crusaders lost the war. Francis won the peace.

Many are familiar with the peace prayer attributed to this servant of Peace. Although there is no historic evidence that he in fact wrote it, the words accurately reflect his spir­it. They define his Master strategy for peace.

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled,
as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying to our selfish self that we are born to
divine life. Amen.

He lived this prayer. It is our challenge to live it, too.


A Modern Peacemaker Conquers Muslim Terrorism

A 20th Century peacemaker is Dr. Frank Laubach. Through his Each­One­Teach­One literacy program, he taught over one hundred million people in the third world to read and write. It was Lowell Thomas, the Walter Cronkite of pre­television radio, who said that Laubach was “the most noble personality of the 20th Century.” 

Early in his global ministry, Laubach lived on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. Muslim Moros were killing Christians wherever they found them. Laubach refused to be their enemy. In a letter to his father he said, “Their faith calls them to do the will of Allah. Unless I can live to do the will of God as passionately as they do, I have no right to share God’s love with them.” He knew what God’s will was. “Love your enemies...” was the directive of the world’s greatest peace strategist. “Bless those who curse you; bless and curse not.” But how practical are such pro­nouncements? When debated by those who are not commit­ted to waging peace they are readily discredited. As lived by Laubach, they proved invincible.

A few weeks after he had written of his resolve, he was walking through the jungle near the edge of a river.  A large dugout war canoe filled with Moro warriors approached the shore near where he stood. In the boat was a mullah, a Muslim priest who recognized him. He approached Laubach and said, “We know you to be a true servant of Allah. Will you please come down to the river and pray His blessing on these men?” And he did. 

Today, Muslim radicals in the Philippines are still pil­laging and killing, so it only seems fair to critically observe that Laubach didn’t bring peace. However, on the contrary, he did. Most significantly he brought peace to his own heart. Of cosmic significance, millions of people caught a glimpse of a world of love and peace through his vision. This is the impact of one man which will lead to winning the peace. And we can learn from the terrorists how to make this vision a reality in our collective lives.

The Terrorists’ Strategy In Peacemaking

These fanatical Jihad warriors don’t work and plan alone; cells exist throughout the world. They don’t seek publicity. Quite the contrary. A key to their success is anonymity. In these secret circles lies their power. Their power and effectiveness was demonstrated on the morning of 9­11. Although the purpose of the peacemaker is the opposite of the terrorists’, the strategies are the same.

Across this country and on every continent, groups prayerfully meet to learn and share the principles of peace. They assemble in homes, churches and temples, at offices and schools. They represent no particular religious affilia­tion. Coming from a diversity of religious persuasions, there is no intention to proselytize. As “peacemakers anony­mous” their goal is to discover inner peace and share it. They are like the leaven to which Jesus referred: “The Kingdom of Heaven (where peace alone is found) is like the leaven a woman places in a large amount of flour until it works throughout the whole loaf of dough.” This is the invincible strategy of these groups.

Polarization And The Triumph Of Light Over Darkness

Many live under the illusion that the world is getting worse. Fear is epidemic. Peacemakers know better. What superficially appears to be a world descending into dark­ness, is simply a process of polarization. The Light is grow­ing brighter while the shadows grow more pronounced. Forces of Light don’t fight. They don’t need to. Shadow mercenaries governed by Fear scream in rage and hatred. But their increasingly ugly attacks are powerless against our united spirit. The once­diffused rays of Eternal Light are unifying and becoming laser­like. Through the prayers and purity of purpose of these Emissaries of Light, the dawn of peace is upon us. Light shines in the present darkness and the darkness can’t extinguish it. Rather, the darkness is being extinguished by the Light.

“The Little Church That Stood”

The shadow cast by the missing Twin Towers still dark­ens the spirits of those ignorant of this reality, but those pos­sessing true vision see beyond the shadow. They have stilled their minds and heard a message of hope from Ground Zero. They remember what New Yorkers have come to call “The Little Church That Stood.” One short block from The World Trade Center stands St. Paul’s Chapel. President George Washington knelt in prayer with­in its walls. Built ten years before our nation was estab­lished, it lived to see the destruction of the giant cathedral of trade and commerce that dwarfed it. Amazingly, it is unscathed, standing amidst total devastation. Not a single window was so much as cracked. Today it continues to serve the physical and spiritual needs of a grateful commu­nity. It stands as a silent witness to a Light­Source terrorists can’t touch and terrorism can’t extinguish.

The Currency Of Peace Power

Pragmatists continue to believe that the currency of suc­cess is power and that it is minted in corporate boardrooms and in the halls of government. It is not. It is printed in the minds of individual souls. Only there do we find the power to love, the power to forgive and the power to create a vision of a world at peace; where swords are beaten into plowshares and where war will be waged no more. This lofty goal, prophesied long ago, will be achieved by chang­ing minds, one person at a time. It is a matter of choice, not fate. Herein lies its power. I join with you in choosing the Way of Peace. Together we will bring peace to our world within. Then we will demonstrate to others through lives that have faced their Shadows, and by forgiveness of every antagonist and our will to build sacred Self Images, how peace is found and lived. With one accord we will sing from our souls, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me....”

Questions and Answers from Step III:

Q: Why does the idea of being a co­creator with God seem arrogant and unrealistic?

A: Because our ego feels separated from our Source and it is. However, you are not separated, not the Real you. If you remain on the level of the ego’s mad spiritual isolationism, you cannot be a co­cre­ator with God. That role can be assumed only by your soul.That spiritual part of your being knows that this role is both humble and infinitely realistic.

Q: How can I let my soul be in charge so that it may assume the co­creator role?

A: When you want your soul to be in charge more than you desire the escapes found in ego­inspired fanta­sy games of selfish sex, money or power, you sim­ply will it. By that act, your soul becomes your Chief Operating Officer and the Holy Spirit your Chief Executive Officer.

Q: What makes the soul so important in re­Modeling my life?

A:  Because your soul is the only part of your con­sciousness that can re­Model you. In the task of developing your life­script, in selecting your New Model, and creating its reality in your mind, your subconscious/conscious self doesn’t have the neces­sary knowledge or power. Only your soul has such knowledge and power.

Q: Why bring Jesus into the Picture? Isn’t that too “Christian?”

A: Yes, it is too “Christian,” if you ignore his definition of himself in the dialog. There he describes himself as the one who gave his perfected consciousness to everyone. More than this, he said he became Everyperson blazing the Path to that Divine Identity for each person still bound by the illusion of sepa­ration, regardless of their faith, or lack of it. That is hardly too “Christian.” Rather, it is too magnificent. 

Q: What is the role of the Holy Spirit in building a new Life­script Model?

A: He provides the perfect picture of both your specific need in Model correction and how you can success­fully make that correction. He then directs you to the right set of circumstances and people to make it hap pen. All you need to do is will it. The Holy Spirit­ will do the rest.  

Q: How can I ever expect to see world peace with hostility and fighting everywhere?  

A: By seeing and living it within yourself. "Everywhere" is "out there." Your world is an inner reality. Peace must be inner peace. People everywhere are discovering this truth. It doesn't make headlines, but it is making headway. Peace is the final destiny of this earth because it is the final God-given condition of your mind,






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