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Agreda, Mary (Sor María de Jesús). Cartas de Sor Maria de Jesús de Agreda y de Felipe IV. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles Espistolarios Espanoles. Edicion de Carlos Seco Serrano, 1775.

______. Autobiografía. Also included in above work.

______. The Mystical City of God. Trans. Fiscar Marison. 4 Vols. Albuquerque: Corcorn Publishing Co., 1914.

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______. The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America. San Francisco, 1875.

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______. "Documentary History of the Río Grande Pueblos of New Mexico. New Mexico Historical Review (Jan.—April, 1930), pp. 36-66, 154-185.

______. "History of Río Grande Pueblos of New Mexico," Papers of the School of American Archeology. Vol. XIII. Santa Fe: 1910.

______. and Hewett, Edgar L. Indians of the Río Grande, Valley. Albuquerque: 1937.

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______. Memorial of 1630. Trans. Mrs. Edward Ayer. Annotated, Frederick Webb, Fred W. Hodge, and Charles Fletcher Lummis. Chicago: Donnelly & Sons, 1916.

______. The Memorial of 1634. Trans. and annotated, F. W. Hodge, Agapito Rey, and George Hammond. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1946.

______. "Tanto que se sacó . . ." Letter in Palou, Life of Serra. James Wharton edition. Pasadena: 1913.

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Bennett, John G. Concerning Subud. London: Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd., 1958.

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Carrel, Alexis. Man, the Unknown. New York: MacFadden Publications, Inc., 1961.

Carty, Rev. Charles Mortimer. Padre Pio, The Stigmatist. Dublin: Clonmore & Reynolds, 1956.

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Cowman, Mrs. Charles E. Streams in the Desert. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1925.

Crookall, Robert. The Study & Practice of Astral Projection. London: The Aquarian Press, 1961.

______. The Study of Astral Projection. New York: University Press, 1966.

______. The Techniques of Astral Projection. London: Aquarian Press, 1964.

Cushing, Frank Hamilton. Zuni Folk Tales. New York: 1931.

DeHuff, Elizabeth W. Say the Bells of Old Missions. St. Louis: 1943.

Donahue, William H. "Mary Agreda of the Southwest," The Americas, Jan. 1953, pp. 291-314.

Dotter, Dr. C. F. The Lost Years of Jesus Revealed. Greenwich, Conn: Crest, 1962.

Dunne, J. W. An Experiment with Time. London: Faber & Faber, Ltd., 1934.

Englehardt, Father Zephrin,O.F.M. The Holy Man of Santa Clara. San Francisco: Barry, 1909.

Evans, Edna Hoffman. "Legend of Blue Lady". Illustrated by De Grazia, Arizona Highways, Sept. 1959.

Ferre, F. S. Nels. "Do We Really Want Peace?: Saturday Review, July 1. 1967.

Fisher, Reginald O. "Ancient Life in America," El Palacio, XLIV (June, 1938), 169-178.

______ and Hewett. Ancient Life in the American Southwest. New York: 1943.

Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. London: Arthurs Press, Ltd., 1933.

______. The Haunted Mind. New York: Garrett Publications, 1959.

______. Mind Over Space. New York: The Citadel Press, 1962.

Ford, Arthur. Nothing So Strange. Trans. in collaboration with Margueritte Harmon Bro. New York: Harper Bros., 1958.

Fox, Oliver. Astral Profection. New York: University Books, 1962.

Frances of the Immaculate Conception, Sister. "Venerable Mary of Agreda, The Blue Lady of the Southwest," Mission Bells, Peterson, N.J., (P. O. Box 1858), July through April, 1941-1942.

Garrett, Eileen J. Adventures in the Supernorma. New York: Garrett Publications Inc., 1949.

______. Beyond the Five Senses.. New York: Creative Press, 1957.

______. Telepathy. New York: Creative Age Press, 1945.

Goerres, Joseph von. Die Christliche Mystik. 5 Vols. Regensburg: 1879.

Goldsmith, Joel. Thunder of Silence. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961.

Gurney, Meyers and Podmore. Phantasms of the Living. New York: University Books, 1962.

Hackett, Charles W. "The Miraculous Journeys of Mother Marí de Jesús de Agreda to La Quivira," in Pichardo’s Treatise on the Limits of Louisiana and Texas, 4 Vols. Austin, Texas: 1934. The following primary accounts are translated in this valuable study: Captain Juan Mateo Mange, Mange-Kino, Fray Agustin Vetancurt, Benavides, Samaniego, Massanet (i.e., Manzanet).

Hallenbeck, Cleve and Williams, Juanita. Legends of the Spanish Southwest. Glendale, Calif.: 1938.

Happold, F.C. Mysticism. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1963.

Hart, Horness. Beyond the Five Senses. New York: J. B. Lippencott Co., 1957.

Hartley, Marsden. Art and Archeology. Vol. IX, no 1 (1920).

Heimsath, Charles. Legends of Texas.. Austin: Texas Folklore Society, Vol. III.

______ and Dobie, Frank. Coyote Wisdom. Austin: Texas Folklore Society, Vol. XIV.

Hewett, Edgar Lee. Art and Archeology, Vols, XIII-XIV (1920).

______. Indians of the Rio Grande Valley. Albuquerque: 1937.

______ and Fisher, Reginald G. Mission Monuments of New Mexico. Albuquerque and Santa Fe: 1943.

Hodge, Frederick Webb. "Bibliography of Fray Alonso de Benavides,: Indian Notes & Monographs, Vol. 3, no. 1. New York Museum of the American Indian: 1919.

______. Handbook of American Indians. 2 Vols. Bureau of Amican Ethnology. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.

______. "The Jumano Indians," Proceedings, American Antiquarian Society, XX (1910), 249-268.

Holzer, Hans. Ghost Hunter. New York: Ace Books (in cooperation with Bobbs Merrill and Co.), 1963.

Hutton, J. Bernard. Healing Hands. New York: David McKay Co., Inc., 1966.

Huxley, Aldous. The Doors of Perception and Heaven & Hell. New York: Harper & Row, 1963.

Jacobi, Jolande. The Psychology of C. G. Jung. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, 1962.

Jaffe, Aniela. Ghosts, Apparitions. New York: University Books, 1963.

James, William. The Varieties of Religious Experience. New York: The Modern Library, 1902.

Johnson, Raynor C. The Imprisoned Splendour. New York: Harper & Row, 1953.

______. Nurslings of Immortality. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1957.

Jung, Carl Gustav. Aion. Vol. 9, Part II, Collected Works. New York: Pantheon Books, 1959.

______.The Basic Writings of C. G. Jung. Ed. Violet S. de Lazlo. New York: The Modern Library, Random House, 1959.

______. Civilization in Transition. Vol. 10, Collected Works. New York: Pantheon Books, 1964.

______. Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Ed. Aniela Jaffe. New York: Pantheon Books, 1961.

______. Psyche and Symbol. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1958.

______. Psychology and Regigion. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1938.

______. The Structure & Dynamics of the Psyche. Vol. 8, Collected Works. New York: Pantheon Books, 1960.

Kann, Sister Jean Marie. "I Saw Padre Pio,: Catholic World, July, 1957, pp. 285-291.

Kazantzakis, Nikos. Saint Francis. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1962.

Kino, Parde Eusebio Francisco, S. J. Kino’s Historical Memoir of Pimeria Alta. Ed. Herbert E. Bolton. Vol 1. Cleveland: 1919.

Kotschnig, Elined Prys. Jung, on Survival of Consciousness. Reprinted from Inward Light, Vol. XXVI, No. 64 (Winter-Spring, 1963), Washington 15, D.C.

LaoTzu. The Way of Life. Trans. Witter Bynner. New York: Capricorn Books, 1944.

"Levitation," Encyclopedia Britannica, XIII (1957).

Long, Haniel. The Power Within Us. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, Inc., 1944.

Long, Max Freedom. The Secret Science Behind Miracles. Vista, Calif.: Huna Research Publications, 1948.

Mange, Captain Juan Mateo. "Luz de Tierra Incognita,: Publicaciones del Archivo General de la Nación, Vol. X. Mexico City: 1934.

Manzanet (i.e., Massanet), Damien. "Carta de Don Damien Manzanet a Don Carlos de Siguenza sobre el Descubrimiento de la Bahía del Espiritu Santo, trans. Libia de Cassis. Texas Historical Association Quarterly, Vol. II, No. 4. (Austin: April, 1899).

Manzo y Zuniga, Francisco, Archbishop of Mexico. "Relación de la Santa Marde Maria de Jesús, 18 Mayo 1682. "Documentos para la Historia de Mexico, 3rd series, Vol. 1.

Mannenger, Karl. Love Against Hate, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Colk 1942.

Merton, Thomas, Fr. Seeds of Destruction, New York: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1966.

Miller, R. DeWitt. Stranger Than Life. New York: Citadel Press, 1955.

______. You Do Take It With You. New York: Citadel Press, 1955.

Muldoon, Sylvan J. and Carrington, Hereward. The Phenomena Of Astral Projection. London: Bider & Co., Ltd., 1951.

Murphy, Gardner. Challenge of Psychical Research. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961.

Nichols, Beverly. Powers That Be. New York: St. Marin’s Press, 1966.

O’Hara, John F., Rev. C.S.C. "The Benavides Memorial", The Catholic Historical Review No. 3, 1917, ppl 76-78.

Omez, Reginald, P.P. Psychical Phenomena. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1958.

Osborn, Arthur W. The Future Is Now. New Hyde Park, New York: University Books, 1961.

Osty, Eugene. Supernormal Faculties in Man. London: Methuen & Colk Ltd., 1923.

Palou, Fray Francisco, O.F.M. Historical Memoirs of New California. E. Herbert E. Bolton. Berkeley: 1926.

______. Life of Padre Fray Junípero Serra. (La Vida). Trans. and ed. Fray Maynard Geiger, O.F.M. Washington, C.C.: Academy of American Franciscan History, 1955.

Pandolfi, Rev. Ubaldus, O.F.M. Life of Ven. Sister Mary of Jesus of Agreda, Poor Clare Nun. Trans. and shortened from Samaniego. Evansville, IN, Poor Clare Convent, 1910.

Parente, Dr. Pascal P. Beyond Space. New York: St. Paul Publication, 1965.

Pollock, Jack Harrison. Croiset the Clairvoyant. New York: Doubleday and Co., 1964.

Pratt, J. Gaither. Parapsychology. New York: Doubleday & Co., 1964.

______ and Roll, W. G. Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association, The Parapscyhological Association, No. 1, 1957-1964.

Progoff, Ira, Ph.D. Jung’s Psychology and It’s Social Meaning. New York: Grove Press, 1953.

Rhine, J. B. New World of the Mind. New York: William Sloane, 1953.

Samaniego, Fray Joseph Ximenez, O.F.M. Life of Ven. Sister Mary of Jesus of Agreda, Poor Clare Nun. Shortened and translated in English. Rev Ubaldus de Pandolfi, O.F.M. Evansville Indiana: Poor Clare Convent, 1910.

______. Relación de la Vida de la Ven. Madre Sor Maria de Jesús. Madrid: 1755.

Schweizer, Albert. The Mysticism of Saint Paul. New York: MacMillan Co., 1956.

Serra, Fray Junipero. Letter to Palou, August 18, 1772. In Father Zephyrin Engelhardt, O.F.M. The Missions and Missionaries of California. 2nd ed. 4 Vols. Santa Barbara: 1930.

Shea, John. The Church in the Colonies. 4 Vols. New York: 1886. Includes an engraving of Mary Agreda, p. 69.

Sherman, Harold. How to Make ESP Work for You. Santa Monica, Californis. De Vorss & Co., 1964.

Smith, Susy. The Enigma of Out-of-Body Travel. New York: Garrett Publications, 1965.

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Stearn, Jess. Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1967.

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Sudre, René. Parapsychology. Trans. C. E. Green. New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1962.

Sugrue, Thomas. There Is a River. New York: Holt, 1942.

Teresa of Jesus, St. The Life of Saint Theresa. Ed. E. Allison Peers. 3 vols. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1946.

Thurston, Fr. Herbert, S.J. Physical Phenomena of Mysticism. Ed. J. H. Creehan, S. J. London: Burns & Oates, 1952.

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______. F. W. H. Myers Memorial Lecture Before the Society for Psychic Research 1942 (London). London: By S. P. R., Tavistock Square, n.d.

______. The Nature of Human Personality. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1954.

______. The Personality of Man. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1947.

______. Science and Psychic Phenomena. New Hyde Park, N. Y., University Books, 1961. Originallly pub. by Society for Psychic Research, London, 1953.

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